Monday, September 10, 2007

And to tenshi's comment

I find it interesting that someone who was not in the Super Role Models group could find discrepancies in what I wrote. Sighting that my article holds no weight on further reading.

I could have sat here and written page after page which included names, dates, quoted text, group notices, copies of notecards, etc. And with permission from the other models I just may still do so. I didn't because 1) I didn't think people would sit through the entire read and 2) I chose not to involve more than myself and the principals at this juncture.

I suppose some might think this is just a way for me to get my jollies in game.

If that were the case, why is it I have managed to be in game since Jan. 8th, 2007 and not had a single confrontation. I would dare say you would be hard pressed to even find someone who could come up with anything I did that could possibly or remotely deemed undehanded, mean, spiteful, nasty, back biting or unethical.

Suddenly what?

I am a model gone bad?
Frothing at the mouth?
Suddenly not to be believed?

Because I am pursuing the illustrious Simone?

Because I think the models of the Super Role Models deserve their due?

You said ..

It seems that there's a real discrepancy here... and that maybe, on first
glance, your story is believable but on further mulling, your story is complex
but holds no weight.

Please feel free to elaborate.

Diva Hunting on the Grid

Moo Money asked "Don't you have better things to do with your time in SL?"

Indeed I do.

I would much rather be enjoying the game than having to pursue a foul mouthed, back biting, middle aged, self proclaimed fashion diva across the grid to get her to own up to her responsibilities to the models she milked, bilked and abused.

It is apparent that you are still swathed in the golden glow of her favor. Once you step out of line, become to much of a pain in the butt to for her to tolerate, or she has used you for what she can, your golden glow may just turn into a golden shower.

I never said she wasn't business savvy. After all she had 90 models running continuous events to drive up traffic in her stores and the Linden dollars in her wallet.

Why not ask silentsparrow and Calico Creations why the three of them parted company and on such bad terms if you are wanting to delve more deeply into her savvy capabilities. Hell, ask Simone! I warrant it's because she was trying to steamroll right over the two of them. Badmouthing their products. Discouraging models from using them to finally demanding - after the dissolution of the triad -- that we not be seen in her store or at any of her functions wearing anything from either silentsparrow or Calico Creations.


Rebuttal to Anonymous

To uhmmm the brave poser er poster named.. uhm.. "Anonymous"

As for my attending the menswear fashion show at OnRez Island, I did arrive and distribute a copy of the initial post of this blog. I knew that if I waited until approaching Simone that I would maybe have, on the outside, 2 minutes to speak and to distribute the notecard.

I also knew I would be banned in a similar fashion from her sim.

I did not at any time disrupt the show. I stood at the side of the catwalk waiting patiently for it to end. Simone made her appearance in drag as SimDude. I did not cast jibes or make comments to her during the show. I did not IM her. At no time did I interrupt the proceedings. As I was waiting for this finale I was tossed into the ozone, ejected, banned and sent what I suppose was meant to be a demeaning IM from Simone insinuating I worked as a waitress.

I would say that I was ejected because she did not want to be asked in front of the people there how she intended to stay true to her word to the 62 ladies she had just tossed away.

She did not want to say in front of those people she had no intention of making good her commitment to the models who had dedicated time and money to her business and questionable charity.

Anonymous, you can't say I didn't surmise correctly the tact that would be used. Sometimes a little underhandedness is required. Our forefathers did it to secure this nation. Not that my goals are that lofty by any means, but sometimes staying within the confines of "etiquette" just won't get the job done.

I also didn't hide behind anonymity. I stood there for the people to see. I stood there, held my ground. I stood there in anticipation of a chance to say what I felt had to be said.