Monday, September 10, 2007

And to tenshi's comment

I find it interesting that someone who was not in the Super Role Models group could find discrepancies in what I wrote. Sighting that my article holds no weight on further reading.

I could have sat here and written page after page which included names, dates, quoted text, group notices, copies of notecards, etc. And with permission from the other models I just may still do so. I didn't because 1) I didn't think people would sit through the entire read and 2) I chose not to involve more than myself and the principals at this juncture.

I suppose some might think this is just a way for me to get my jollies in game.

If that were the case, why is it I have managed to be in game since Jan. 8th, 2007 and not had a single confrontation. I would dare say you would be hard pressed to even find someone who could come up with anything I did that could possibly or remotely deemed undehanded, mean, spiteful, nasty, back biting or unethical.

Suddenly what?

I am a model gone bad?
Frothing at the mouth?
Suddenly not to be believed?

Because I am pursuing the illustrious Simone?

Because I think the models of the Super Role Models deserve their due?

You said ..

It seems that there's a real discrepancy here... and that maybe, on first
glance, your story is believable but on further mulling, your story is complex
but holds no weight.

Please feel free to elaborate.


Anonymous said...


Don't even give two thoughts to Tenshi. She is simply an attention whore who thinks her opinion matters. As I mentioned before, she's got no room to talk with her sordid history with her baseless attacks on other SL people.

Yours is valid, and right spot on.

Tenshi said...

I don't think I have to elaborate. If you've done something wrong, you will know it in time.

I just find it interesting that you appeared to create a blog simply for stirring up issues with Simone, and then it gets fed into a major news source like it's gospel.

I will say this: Simone knows what she wants and will get what she wants. She's a very good business woman.

Being in game since January 07 without confrontation isn't an amazing feat. Many people do it.

I do enjoy your numerous posts and individual replies to each of us, although I won't be reading all of them. That's really sweet and attentive of you. Can I have some tea while you're at it?

Unknown said...

Tenshi... I did nothing wrong. I fulfilled more than my end of what was expected.

If it gets read like gospel then I am glad, elated, more than pleased.

I would be just as happy to make a post stating she became as savvy a business woman as you think she is, by cutting her losses and fulfilling her agreement to the models.

Read or do not read. It is here for those who do care about the rampant inequities and ambiquities of people like Simone and her savvy [sic] business tactics as they stand today.

Unknown said...

Anonymous... I don't know tenshi and I have no axe to grind with her.

She is entitled to her opinion, to praise Simone in my apparently major news worthy blog. And to weather the comments much the same as I do on the other side of the fence.

I haven't censored any posts to this topic and don't plan to. I fully expected people with brown noses to come and try to discredit me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for being the one to get this out into the open. It takes a lot of courage to do that. I don't understand why Tenshi thinks that your words would somehow be more legitimate if the blog had existed before this issue. People tend to decide to communicate when they have something to say-- this seems to be the catalyst for this blog.

It's just a blog, it's being fed to a news feed like it's any other blog. No more "gospel" or less "gospel" than any other. However, in this case, it happens to be true and there will be more and more people to back up every detail that is coming out. Simone made a contract and appears to believe that disbanding the group nullifies her responsibility to provide the consideration promised to the contest winners. If she is the good business woman as she is described by others that have posted, she will still provide the year's worth of clothing for people that were still in the group until the end.

Unknown said...

I admire Mairead's forthrightness here as well. I was the supermodel whose best friend in RL was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and so, was hesitant to commit more to the model group until I learned more about what was happening in RL. (This was after MANY hours of effort with a group event, modelling sessions etc.) I don't make promises I can't keep. I was ejected from the group. When I suggested it seemed an insensitive thing to do, I was told, "Shut the fuck up you stupid twat." And to think, I joined this group because I thought it was classy and elegant.
Now, after talking to several others who were involved I just think it is very sad that this once savvy business woman has managed to squander so much good will.
Mairead went well beyond the call of duty, as did MANY others. The rules of this modelling situation seemed to change daily. People were insulted frequently. Sometimes 3 events were going on in the same evening. One fashion show where I modelled, Simone apparently fell asleep and didnt even show up. With Mairead's help, we pulled it off and were really quite proud. (Especially since we had to rush to buy the clothes we were supposed to be modelling.. Simone DID reimburse us). There was not one word of thanks given in public. Class and elegance ?
In the beginning, there were 2 'staff' people helping this 'contest'. Mariboy Munro and Vicki Ames.. who haven't been seen since, to my knowledge. Mariboy quit VERY early, after putting in HOURS of work and organization to help. Mariboy felt that Simone was a megalomaniac who was taking advantage of the good will of a large group of women, getting them to spend hours and hours .. for free clothes. I made many friends in the group and for that I am thankful. And yes, without exception, they felt UN appreciated and overworked. (Like Mair, I too have notecards, dates and specifics).
Ironically, the only reason that I wanted to be involved was to be part of the charity - it seemed a wonderful thing to do in SL. However, now, all of my lindens, dollars and energy are involved in charities where I've found the organizers and participants to have TRUE compassion. Yes, and class and elegance too.
Good for you Mairead, for getting this whole mess aired for all to see.

Anonymous said...

"Being in game since January 07 without confrontation isn't an amazing feat. Many people do it."

OMG Tenshi, just because you had a shallow 'apology', you think it's all gone? You are such a whore.

Mairead, what Tenshi is saying is, "You've done something wrong (sorta) and I am gonna write some attacking article about you once I can figure out an angle that I can spin into a sympathetic "Simone Needs Help From the Mean Attackers" article."

Simone does know what she wants, and she gets what she wants because she lies cheats and steals. Simple as that. Three enduring qualities to Tenshi, which makes her love her.

And Tenshi knows business. She's failed two of her own.

Unknown said...

Thank you Bronia for stepping up to the plate and making your feelings known as well as sharing some of the details of the Super Role Model group.

I wish more would step up and get the weight off their shoulders. I think they would fine it truly is a cathartic to quit holding your tongue out of fear of reprisal.

Anonymous said...

Wow... I'm glad I quit the contest before it got this bad. As soon as the contest turned from a "model" contest to an "event planner" contest I quit. Its not my thing... wish I would have know from the beginning.

Dorra Debs

Anonymous said...

Mairead, whether or not Tenshi writes vindictive trash is immaterial here. You've out-trashed her with this blog. The reason your blog is here is just to trash someone else over a GAME. Doesn't that seem petty to you? If you didn't like the modeling group or the way you were treated you could have just quit. Believe me, based on the sidebar pictures you don't have what it takes to be an SL model, not to mention the positive attitude that is very much required. After reading the vitriol spewing from you here, I would never hire you for anything. Way to make a good first impression on a huge community that had no idea who you are until now!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above me...

Wrong. perhaps you should do some Tenshi research. This blog is here for Mairead's personal reasons, and it just happened that the first was to announce the fraud that Simone is.

It's 100% true. Simone is only out for herself.

Anonymous said...

I was a simone model too, and all these are true. Unlike Mairead, I chose just to quit SL altogether, because that whole experience ruined my SL experience. It was manipulative and deceiptful. Most of all, there was complete lack of respect to the participants.

Mairead, I am very grateful that you have this blog and wrote the truth that I didn't have the guts to write about.

Tenshi, why are you saying this crap? Were you a Simone model? Is this YOUR blog? Is Mairead not entitled to having her own? Are YOU required to read this blog?

Anonymous 2 posts above me wrote, "If you didn't like the modeling group or the way you were treated you could have just quit. Believe me, based on the sidebar pictures you don't have what it takes to be an SL model, not to mention the positive attitude that is very much required."

We ex-models worked hard to keep our end of the bargain and this required a tremendous amount of positive attitude.

Anonymous said...

I entered the search and less than 5 minutes later I left the group. The notices sent to the group were rude, she made it sound like she was doing everyone a favor and they had to kiss her ass for that role.

I don't kiss anyones' ass, so I left. I didn't talk bad about her, or made a big fuzz, simply left.

Anonymous said...

It appears Tenshi is a fashion girl suck up. She has linked her SL worth to the well being of her food source; clothing content creators. If you're perceived as strong and powerful she's your best friend. If you're weak, marginal or otherwise of no consequence to her you deserve her contempt. You would think that in her position as a reporter for the Second Life Herald she would smell the blood coming of Simone instead of messing nipping on a smaller fish. Oh wait, no, wasn't she the cretin who thought it was oh so funny to criticize Sabrina Doolittle on he RL appearance. That shows a lot of class sweetie.

As far as Moo is concerned I can be more forgiving. Simone must present herself much better in RL than she does in SL. People can be downright nasty and vicious while hiding behind a keyboard. Meet them face to face and reason and sensibility reign. (Or maybe people don't want to be slapped or publicly scorned for being a boor).


Unknown said...

Hmmm anonymous... you said

"If you didn't like the modeling group or the way you were treated you could have just quit. Believe me, based on the sidebar pictures you don't have what it takes to be an SL model, not to mention the positive attitude that is very much required. "

Simoone, as well as hy and Calico, appeared to think me worthy to grace her product line, my picture is (perhaps that is was now) graces many walls of her store. She once told me, "You are the most stunning model I have. People may forget your name, but they will never forget your face."

However, with that justification behind me I have to wonder why you would now resort to an attack on appearance, remaining nameless, therefore faceless.

Frankly some of the more notesble models RL or SL weren't perfect beauties, they were less than ideal, however, they had that certain something that made the public look. Perhaps you should not comment on a field you apparently know nothing about.

That said Simone took great strides to strip all the models of their "Barbie Doll" looks, making us flat chested, big hipped, bubble bunned, and big shouldered. She was on a quest to represent women as they really are in real life.

Personally I never understood this tact for SL since people generally play to have an alternate reality of their lives. To have "their" ideal figure, face, look. This usually doesn't translate into flat chested big assed women.

As for quitting the group, honestly? I thought about it MANY times as did many othr models who commiserated with one another over the spew of edicts from on high.

Frankly, in the end, I have to admit to plain old fashioned greed. I was hoping to get the latest releases we were entitled to. Hanging on for the "payment" we were entitled to.

Another aspect also, which was common amongst the models, was this role of Super Role Model had become a quest of endurance, how long we could manage to stay in the group!

It was akin to getting involved in watching some day time dramam (soap opera) on TV and coming back day after day to see what had or was about to transpire. Simone never failed to make us cringe, gasp or roll our eyes.

As for positive attitude. I offered at every call for a shoot or catwalk, except the men's fashion show as I do not have a male alt and my only male AV is the freebie FBI one which is not moddable and not up to par for Simone.

I worked long hours with the other models helping them get fluid and comfortable with the catwalk, hoping to boost their confidence.

I championed the rights of the models then as I do now. I took the heat, the waving of the Simone shit stick. I became familiar with the sight and smell of it. At least my familiarity came from that and not from having my nose up her butt.

Anonymous said...

tenshi vile,

here is an SL herald story waiting for you... but oh wait, you'd rather let your well-known biased ass get in the way of a good story. Oh and I just realized my mistake, SL herald is a sleazy tabloid, not a piece of journalistic truth, so I guess this story will never make it there. My bad, oh vile one.

Anonymous said...

Tenshi is known for being tactless, devoid of class and having her head up her ass.
I wouldn't bother with her, she obviously needs the negative attention because she can't get it any other way.

Anyway, another ex-model here. I'm going on the record as saying Mairead's description of what happened is accurate. The group was a farce for someone's greed.